Sukshma Vyayama Pdf

  1. Yoga Sukshma Vyayama Pdf
  2. Sukshma Vyayama Exercises Pdf
  3. Sukshma Vyayama Pdf In Hindi
  4. Sukshma Vyayama Pdf In English
  5. Yogic Sukshma Vyayama

Sukshma Vyayama – An introduction

This group of Asanas is concerned with loosening up the joints of the body. It eliminates energy blockages in the joints and outer extremities of the physical body and works on the Pranic and the mental level as well.

Yoga Sukshma Vyayama Pdf

Pustak Ka Naam / Name of Book: यौगिक सूक्ष्म व्यायाम/ Yogic Sukshma Vyayam Hindi Book in PDF Pustak Ke Lekhak / Author of Book: धीरेन्द्र ब्रह्मचारी/ Dhirendra Brahmchari Pustak Ki Bhasha / Language of Book: हिंदी / Hindi Pustak Ka Akar / Size of Ebook: 46.9 MB. YOGIC SUKSMA VYAYAMA - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Complete sequence,48 yogic exercises, Dhirendra Brahmachari,Suksma Vyayam.

It is beneficial for those suffering from rheumatism, arthritis , high blood pressure, heart problems or other ailments where vigorous exercise is not advised.


  • The practice can be performed with awareness of the actual physical movements .
  • Peace, balance and one pointedness is induced by this method which in turn brings about harmony in the physical body.
  • The practice is to be performed in synchronization with breath.
  • The movements, in this case, become slower which in turn slows down the brain waves, further enhancing relaxation and awareness. This method of practice has a greater influence at the physical and Pranic levels and is especially useful for harmonizing and revitalizing the body and improving the function of the internal organs.

Periodic rest

  • After every two or three movements, sit quietly in leg stretch position with the eyes closed.
  • Be aware of you breath and of the parts of the body that have been moved.
  • Also be aware of the thoughts and the feelings that come into the mind.
  • After a minute or so continue the practice.
  • Shavasana can be practised, if rest is required.


  • Only those muscles associated with any particular practice should be used while the rest of the body should be completely relaxed.
  • Close your eyes.

The Micro Yoga exercises benefit all the organs and all the parts from head to waist. Similarly the Macro exercises stimulate and benefit all the organs and the parts from abdomen down to toes. They are practiced in the standing position.


Each Macro Yoga exercise, pertaining to different parts of the body has to be repeated 5 to 10 times with full awareness. All exercises that are done on one side, should also be done on the other side.

  • 3. Exercises for the excretory organs
      – Stool excretory organ (Rectum & anus)
      – Urinary organ

1. Exercises for the abdomen:

1.a. Stand straight and hold the waist at the sides with both the hands, thumbs pointing forward and the four fingers backward. Pratice Bhastrika Pranayaam keeping the head in the straight position. The air is exhaled with force sucking the stomach to its maximum. Inhaling the air the stomach is bulged. This act should be repeated in quick successions from half a minute to one minute. After taking a bit of rest the exercise is repeated.

b. Standing in the above position, bend the upper part of the waist and chest a little forward. Keep the head straight i.e. it is not bent. Repeat the above exercise.

c. Standing in the above position bend the entire upper part of the body forward including the chest, looking straight like the shape of number 7 and repeat the exercise.

2.a. Standing straight breathe out completely. Holding the breath out, move the empty stomach forward and backward without breathing as long as possible. Then straighten slowly breathing in and relax. Repeat 4 – 5 times.

b. Standing straight, breathe out completely. Holding the breath out, bend the upper part of the waist a little forward, keeping the head straight and move the stomach as (2.a) above. c. Standing straight, breathe out completely. Holding the breath out bend the upper part of the waist including the chest like the shape of number 7 and move the stomach as above.

3. Standing erect, raise the head a little, bring out the tip of the tongue, twisting it round into a cylindrical shape. Suck the air deep through the tongue bulging the stomach full with the air. Bend the head low, keeping the eyes closed. Hold the breath in for some time. Later raising the head breathe out slowly through the nose. Repeat 4 – 5 times. Few may feel giddiness, while practicing this exercise in the beginning. Nothing to worry. They may take the support of either a wall or a door in such a case, or they may perform in sitting position.

The abdomen

Stomach, liver, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, gallbladder and intestines are purified and activated. Unwanted fat is reduced. The stomach problems, indigestion, constipation, acidity and gastric trouble are solved.

2. Exercises for the waist:

a. Standing erect, hold the waist at the sides with both the hands and bend the body from side to side. Breathe out when the body is bent, breathing in come to central position.

b. Hold the waist at the sides with both the hands and twist the upper part of the body from the waist to right side and then to the left side. While twisting, breathe out and while coming to central position breathe in.

c. Holding the waist with both the hands, rotate the stomach, hips and thighs clockwise 8 to 10 times and then in reverse direction for the same number of times.

The waist

This relieves all types of waist and back pains. The unnecessary fat accumulated in the waist is reduced. Waist becomes active, supple and flexible.

3. Exercises for the excretory organs :

1. Stool excretory organ (Rectum & anus):

a. Standing erect, join both the feet and heels. Intensively contract the feet, shanks, knees, thighs and hips pulling the rectum / anus inside. The waist and the other upper parts of the body are let loose freely. Breathing is normal. The anus should be kept in the sucked position for 30 to 60 seconds. Later it should be loosened. This exercise strengthens the outer part of the anus.

b. Repeat the above act keeping a three inches parallel distance between the feet. This strengthens the inner part of the anus.

Anus / Rectum


The above exercises prevent and cure piles, fistula, fissure. Constipation is reduced.

2. Urinary organ:

Standing erect, keep the legs stretched one foot apart. Intensively contract the feet, legs, shanks, thighs and the hips. Both the anus and urinary organs are sucked in. The upper part from the waist is let loose. Breathing is normal. The body should be in this position at least for 30 to 60 seconds. Later let loose the whole body.

People below 16 years should not attempt this process.

Urinary organ

Apart from the benefits as above, dream discharges and weakness and diseases of urinary organs are cured. If women practice this regularly every day they will be relieved of all the gynec problems like irregular menstruation, leucorrhoea etc.

Note: After the above kriyas, alternate legs should be folded behind to loosen the muscles. Later walk few steps.

4. Exercises for thighs, knees and shanks:

While practicing these exercises heels should not be raised.

a. Holding the waist from both the sides, bend from the knees – forming a shape of sitting on chair. After 5 to 10 seconds, come to standing position again. Breathing is normal.

b. Holding the waist from both the sides, keep the heels joined and toes apart. Bend from the knees, stretching the knees apart. After 5 to 10 seconds come to standing position again. Breathe out while bending downwards and breathe in as you get up.

c. Holding the waist from both the sides, join the heels. Bending at knees, swing both the knees sidewise.


d. Holding the waist, join the toes and heels apart. Bending at knees, swing both the knees sidewise.

e. Standing erect, stretch both the hands front, breathing out completely sit on the heels. Breathing in rise to stand.

Sukshma vyayama pdf in hindi

f. Stretch both the legs apart. Crossing both the hands hold the left ear by the right hand and the right by the left. Breathing out sit down and breathing in stand up.

g. Stretch both the legs apart and also both the hands sidewise. Breathing out sit down and breathing in stand up.

h. Stretch both the legs apart, and also both the hands sidewise. Sitting on the heels move the thighs up and down in quick succession.

i. Hold both the knees by both the hands in bending position. Rotate the knees and the waist clock wise in a circular form. Later move anti- clockwise also.

j. After practicing the above exercises slowly pat and massage the thighs, knees and the knee caps with the palms.

Thighs and knees

Knee pains are prevented and controlled. Thighs and shanks are strengthened and beautified to better shape.

5. Exercises for calves, ankles, heels, soles, feet and toes:

a. Standing erect, stretch the hands straight with the thumbs folded into the fist. Bend the left hand backwards from the left elbow and the left leg from the left knee. The weight of the entire body is on the right foot. Now change the hands and the legs turn wise. The hands and the legs are stretched front and folded back quickly. When left knee is folded the left hand is bent, similarly when the right knee is folded the right hand is bent. Synchronize the breathing with arms movement with a rhythm i.e. Breathe in when the right arm is stretched front and breathe out when the left hand is stretched front. At the beginning they should be changed slowly, gradually the succession should be increased to the maximum speed. Reaching the peak of the speed, then it should be gradually slowed down to stand still.

b. Standing erect, stretch both the arms front from the elbows. Elbows touch the ribs in the sides. Raise the right knee to touch the stretched right palm where it is patted. Later bring it down. Again raise the left knee up and pat left palm. Knees one after the other are raised and patted in succession. The speed of the changing legs is slowly increased to maximum, then slowed down.

c. Standing erect, stretch both the hands up. Raise the right leg crosswise so that it touches the left palm. Then similarly raise the left leg touching the right palm. Repeat this act one after the other slowly.

d. Standing erect, hold the waist with both the hands. Raise the right knee to left side and immediately jump one step upwards with the left foot. Similarly repeat changing the knee. Repeat this act changing the knee and jumping a step upward in succession.

Sukshma Vyayama Exercises Pdf

e. Standing erect, hold the waist by both the hands. Raise and lower the toes of feet and the heels alternatively. Then the entire body is made to jump on toes. Later while jumping like a spring step front and back and then to right and left with a rhythm.

f. Keep the hands on both the sides of the waist. Without bending the knees, raise the toes up making the body stand on the heels and then walk on the heels slowly with small steps. After a while, walk on the toes and thereafter on the outer sides of the feet. Also walk on the inner edges of the feet. Breathing is normal.

g. Contracting the entire body, keep the chest a little bit forward. Place hands firmly at the sides of the thighs. Move forward in such a way that the feet are slowly glided (without lifting) forward one after the other for some distance and again glided backward without turning. Breathing is normal. Heels are not lifted. Eyes are focussed on a point in front, continously.

h. Standing erect, stretch both the hands side wise and let loose. Swing both the raised heels right and left. The body also moves accordingly. Gradually increase the speed of the movement. Breathing is synchronized with body movement.

i. Raise both the hands joining the palms clapping up. Spreading the feet apart, make the entire body to jump. Breathe in while the body goes up and breathe out when it comes down.

j. After performing the above (a to i) exercises, walk few steps leisurely for some times to relax.

From hips down to lower parts of legs upto toes

Sukshma Vyayama Pdf In Hindi

The calves, ankles, heels, soles, feet and toes are strengthened. People who stand more or walk more get relaxed with this activity. Many people don’t walk in this automobile age. These exercises provide all the benefits of walking, brisk walking, jogging, aerobics and dancing.

Sukshma Vyayama Pdf In English

After completing the above exercises, the body is bent a little forward, hands and palms are let loose and swung. Swinging the hands, the body is bent a little from the knees and a few steps walked to relax. Later first Nispand-bhavasan and then Shanti asan are postured to have complete rest. Thus the body gets peace and energy.

Yogic Sukshma Vyayama

For practicing the above Macro exercises, the body needs some strength. As we start practicing the exercises, the strength automatically is generated in the body. Thus the body is stimulated and becomes active and full of stamina.