Firmware Update For Linksys Router Wrt54g

Firmware-update: Linksys WRT54G 7.00.4 prolife1 wijst ons erop dat Linksys nieuwe firmware heeft uitgebracht voor de zevende revisie van zijn WRT54G-router. Om erachter te komen uit welke revisie. Sveasoft actually sports three different families of firmware: Sveasoft firmware for Linksys WRT54G and WRT54GS routers, Alchemy firmware that works with a list of routers (which is free and adds.

Linksys WRT54G Wireless Router Firmware 4.20.8. Linksys WRT54G Wireless Router Firmware 4.20.8. 134,544 downloads. WRT54G GPL Code, WRT54G Firmware. BELKIN INTERNATIONAL, INC. End-User License Agreement. Belkin International, Inc., including all affiliates and subsidiaries (“Belkin”, “us” or “we”) thanks you for choosing one of our Belkin, Linksys or Wemo products (the “Product”).

Need firmware update for Linksys WRT54GS My router's last update was: v1.50.6,Feb. I use the router at home with no problems (we had a desktop and a laptop using it; now just the laptop).


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This is for the GSv7.x NOT the Gv7.x. See here: Linksys_WRT54G/GL/GS/GX

  • 2Installation


  • Broadcom BCM5354 @ 240 MHz
  • 16 MB RAM / 2 MB Flash ROM
  • S/N Prefix
    • WRT54GSv7(.0): CGNA, CGNB, CGNC
    • WRT54GSv7.2: CGNE
  • FCC ID
    • WRT54GSv7(.0): Q87-WRT54GSV7
    • WRT54GSv7.2: Q87-WRT54GSV72


This flash method applies to EON, INTEL, and SAMSUNG(?) flash chips.
NOTE TO WINDOWS USERS: The native TFTP Client is disabled by default, so enable it before proceeding (or download a third party TFTP tool, ex: TFTP2 or TFTP32/TFTP64). In Windows, go to 'Add or Remove Programs' (or 'Programs and Features', depending on the Windows version) from the Start menu or Control Panel, then the Windows Features section, and scroll down to select TFTP Client to enable it.

  1. First download vxworkskillerGSv7-v3.bin and dd-wrt.v24_micro_generic.bin
  2. Set a static IP address (outside DHCP range e.g., connect the PC ethernet to a router LAN port
    • Linux command: ifconfig eth0
    • Windows™: go to Control Panel->Network and Internet->Network Connections
      1. Right-click, go to the LAN device properties, then find and open the TCP/IPv4 Properties
      2. Select 'Use the following IP address' to set a static IP (e.g., subnet
        • Ensure this static IP is outside the DHCP range
  3. Unplug the router, then hold the reset button while reconnecting power for about 20 seconds.
  4. Open your browser to
  5. Use the Firmware upgrade option under the Administration tab to flash vxworkskillerGSv7-v3.bin.
  6. After the dialogue about disconnecting the power cord is shown, disconnect the power cord and reconnect it.
  7. Wait for FIVE FULL minutes, then disconnect the power cord for 10sec and reconnect it.
  8. Transfer the firmware using TFTP
    • Linux command: tftp -v -m octet -c put dd-wrt.v24-micro_generic.bin
    • Windows™ Command Prompt (cmd): tftp -i put dd-wrt.v24_micro_generic.bin
  9. Wait for tftp to finish, then the router will automatically reboot. Finally, access the GUI at
  10. Watch the router lights: the power light will eventually come on, followed by the WLAN light
    • Note: If the router does not boot automatically, even after a power cycle, reset again, per step 3.

[edit]Alternate method to flash WRT54GSv7.2

Linksys Wrt54g Setup Software

There is no resetting in the middle of this process. This method has also been used on WRT54Gv8 (not GS), and should work on the v7.0. My WRT54GSv7.2 has an EON EN29LB160AB-70TCP flash chip and 16MB Samsung RAM.

tiger12506 has successfully performed this on two WRT54GS v7.2 with CGNE serial numbers. He felt that he had bricked one of the routers at first. Messing around with JTAG cables taught him some things, but be absolutely sure that you have tftp set to binary or octel. If you leave tftp in ascii it will appear to work but the flash won't take.

1. Use the web interface to reset the router to factory defaults.

2. Manually set a static IP (e.g. or any address outside the DHCP range)

54g Router

  • Linux: sudo ifconfig eth0

3. Use the web inferface to update the firmware to vxworkskillerGSv7-v3.bin.

4. Windows: tftp -i PUT dd-wrt.v24_micro_generic.bin

  • Linux: enter tftp mode with # tftp

5. Start a continuous ping: ping -t (-t is Windows only)This will time out repeatedly, then the router will respond about two and six times, time out again a few times, and then start responding to pings.

  • [This is where tiger12506 had trouble, but after a long reset, and some short resets, more and more lights came on until finally the WLAN light came on and the router functioned normally running DD-WRT]

6. Access the DD-WRT GUI at


With the first .bin file I installed from the Linksys GUI Admin options, upload went about half way then tried to reboot, and bricked my WRT54GSv7. With this procedure (external link), using this command from the .bin file location worked, but had to hit enter TWICE to execute the command to install the 2nd bin file:

  • tftp -i put dd-wrt.v24_micro_generic.bin


Historical information: All flash chips are supported, follow this procedure.

Read the text files here, and also see this relevant forum post for newer instructions.

Retrieved from ''

Upgrading Cisco Linksys Wireless Router Firmware (WRT54g v5) November 4, 2010

Posted by jbruelasdgo in Personal.

este post no tiene nada que ver con virtualizacion. Me toco ser de aquellos que tenian acceso a internet por telefono (uuuuuuuhhhh hace tiempo de eso, de ahi viene mi cuenta de AOL), luego probe el “broadband” de Cablevision 😉

tomamos la decision de cambiar luego la conexion con esa empresa telefonica que domina el mercado en Mexico (si lo reconozco, estoy enriqueciendo a Slim!!!) . En fin, como parte de tener seguridad en la conexion, y publicar wireless en la casa, desde que estaba con Cablevision adquirimos un Router Cisco Linksys (modelo WRT54g v5), el cual hace su trabajo de manera increible. El tema es que desde que por alguna razon, mientras no este conectado a la VPN, los videos de YouTube en ocasiones se trababan, en ocasiones se ejecutaban bien, en ocasiones ni siquiera empezaban (por supuesto que no podemos vivir sin YouTube cierto??). Probe con todo lo recomendado aqui en el portal de soporte de YouTube (o si, tienen uno!!!) pero sin exito.

Quitamos el router y voila!!! los videos se visualizan sin ningun problema. Asi que identificamos el issue, algo tenia el router que no permitia ver los videos en YouTube. Asi que me fui a investigar el tema del router. Resulta que viendo los release notes de las actualizaciones de firmware, encontramos el issue!!! (Resolves issues with certain Internet video streaming), asi que manos a la obra, habia que actualizar el firmware, y asi es como lo hicimos:

– Lo primero que se tiene que revisar, es que modelo y version se tiene del router Cisco Linksys, y esto se obtiene si se mira la parte inferior del router , para ello, la imagen inferior muestra un ejemplo del modelo y version:

en mi caso, tengo el modelo WRT54G, version 5.

Linksys wrt54g setup

– lo siguiente es bajar el update de firmware, para ello, tendrian que ir al siguiente link: Ahi seleccionan el modelo y version, y proceden a bajar el software.

– Recomendacion: antes de proceder a realizar el upgrade, es recomendado realizar un respaldo de la configuracion del router, para ello ir al menu (desde la interfaz web de administracion) Administration – Config Management – Backup – Config.bin. Hay que guardar este archivo en nuestra equipo.

– Upgrade el firmware. Desde la interfaz web de administracion, ir al menu Administration – Firmware upgrade . Ahi escojan el archivo que bajaron anteriormente. Y presionen upgrade (una vez que el proceso se inicia, no presionen ningun link en la interfaz, solo esperen a que el upgrade termine. y por ultimo, verifiquen que se realizo el upgrade (en mi caso, tenia version 1.0.0, y despues version 1.02.8).

upgrade linksys

y al finalizar, incluso me cambio el logo a Cisco 🙂 (ahhh, y ya puedo ver videos en YouTube usando mi Wireless Router, y no el de la empresa que provee el servicio de Broadband)

Espero les sea util, nunca saben cuando se requerira un upgrade 🙂 a continuacion anexo lo que se soluciona:

Firmware 1.02.8
– Resolves issue with UPnP denial of service security vulnerability.
Firmware 1.02.7
– Resolves issue with not being able to block IPSec pass-through.
– Resolves issue with router disconnecting from some particular online game servers.
– Resolves issue with user not being able to get incoming video and audio when video phone is connected to the LAN hosted by the router.
– Resolves issue with WEP 64-bit key not being properly validated when user enters the key.
– Resolves issue with disabling UPnP not being effective until the router is rebooted.
– Resolves issue with Wireless MAC Filter not working properly when there are more than 32 entries in filter list.
– Resolves issue with DNS vulnerability.
– Better handling of TCP packet with invalid option field.
– Updated DDNS service support.
– Adds PPPoE service name support.
– HNAP 1.2 support.
Firmware 1.02.6
– Adds Linksys EasyLink Advisor (LELA) 3 support.
– Adds dynamic PPTP support.
Firmware 1.02.5
– Resolves issue with LELA
– Resolves issue with WAP54G in repeater mode
Firmware 1.02.4
– Resolves interoperability issue with DMA2200 and DMA2100.
– Resolves issue with how multicast packets with checksum error are being handled.
Firmware 1.02.2
– Resolves issue of working with DHCP relay agent.
– Resolves interoperability issue with WAP54G (repeater mode).
– Resolves issue with UPnP.
– Updates daylight saving schedule.
– Updates web GUI help in Access Restrictions.
Firmware 1.02.0
– Improves compatibility with BitTorrent.
– Resolves issue with not being able to block HTTP or PING on computers that are specified in the list of PCs.
– Resolves issue with presenting bogus error message when user is trying to set ‘upstream bandwidth’ to AUTO and save the setting.
Firmware 1.01.1
– Resolves issue with IP address assignment via DHCP on some particular devices.
Firmware 1.01.0
– Update Broadcom ethernet driver.
– Resolves DHCP server issue.
– Resolves TFTP upgrade failure with code utility.
– Resolves PPPoE lock up issue
– Resolves TFTP upgrade failure.
– Resolves Multi-session issue
Firmware 1.00.9
– Resolves issue with MAC cloning
– Resolves issue with L2TP connection
– Resolves issue with using DNS server behind the router
– Resolves issue with loading configuration through HTTPS
– Resolves issue with PPPoE CHAP authentication
– Resolves issue with using Ping Plotter
– Resolves issue with SSH disconnects
– Resolves issue with DHCP WAN connection not acquiring the correct IP
– Resolves issue with UPnP
– Adds support for WRT54G v.6
– Resolves issue with Access Restriction
– Resolves issue with incorrect time display
– Resolves issue with using subnets other than
– Resolves security issue when using IRC
– Resolves issue with WAN address being pingable when port forwarding is enabled
– Resolves issue with using Kultalinkki banking software
– Resolves issue where web GUI becomes unreachable if remote management is enabled on port 80 or 443
– Resolves issue with slow internal loopback, i.e., accessing a local server through the WAN IP address
– Resolves issue with accessing online game servers
Firmware 1.00.7
– Resoles MAC Address Clone issue.
– Resolves L2TP connections issues
– Resolves DNS server issues
– Resolves remote backup configuration feature
– Resolves Ping Plotter issue
– Resolves ISP DHCP addressing issue
– Resolves SSH issue of disassociation due to inactivity
Firmware 1.00.6
– Resolves issues with WAP54G repeater mode
– Resolves issues with certain PPPoE connection
– Resolves issues with SES turning back on when applying settings
– Resolves issues with WPA allowing Shared key selection
– Resolves issues with web GUI ping function
– Resolves issues with using MSN whiteboard
– Resolves issues with instability when using Bittorent
– Resolves issues with using certain ATA phone adapters
– Resolves issues with connecting to NNTP news servers
Firmware 1.00.4
– Resolves issues with slow downstream speeds
– Resolves issues with certain web sites not loading or loading slowly
– Resolves issues with obtaining an IP address from Windows 2000 Server
– Resolves issues with certain Internet video streaming
– Resolves issues with playing PSP games online
Firmware 1.00.2
– Resolves issue with SES and interoperability with other adapters
– Resolves issue with DynDNS abusive updates
Firmware 1.00.1
– Resolves issue with enabling remote management
– Resolves issue with unstable device boot up
– Resolves issue with International country codes