Rf Detector Frys

The RF detector picks up frequencies covering most transmitting devices and features an audible beep to alert you when devices are detected nearby. With an included lanyard, low battery indicator and built-in flashlight, this handy RF detector conveniently ensures your privacy.

Anti Spy Detector, RF Signal Detector & Camera Finder, Radio Frequency RF Detector, Wireless Hidden Camera Detector for GPS Tracking GSM Listening Device Finder 4.1 out of 5 stars 18 $36.98 $ 36. Bug Detector Auto Alarm Anti spy Detector Upgraded Artificial Intelligent rf detectors Hidden Camera Detector Radio Frequency Detector Finder Bug Detector Camera Finder. 3.9 out of 5 stars 117. 10% coupon applied at checkout Save 10% with coupon. Get it as soon as Thu, Oct 29.

Last Updated on October 3, 2019

In the past few years, we’ve had quite a lot of issues concerning our privacy and rights. Some related to social networks and how they use our data, while others had to do with much more personal things – such as hotels having listening and surveillance devices in rooms which are supposed to be private.

It’s somewhat unclear how many of those stories are true, but there’s no denying that some people value their privacy quite a bit. When you’re staying in a hotel you’ve never been to before, for example, it’s not surprising to want to be sure that nobody is watching you, or listening to your conversations.

See a list of the top bug detectors this year.

One of the best ways to do this, if not the best way, is to use a bug detector. Those devices that are often used for listening in on private conversations are known as bugs, and a bug detector is what is used to detect them.

A bug detector, at first, might seem a bit complicated to use. However, they work in a very simple way, as long as you know what you’re doing. Therefore, we’ll talk a bit about how they work, and then we’ll see how to use one.

How does a bug detector work?

If we look at the simplest possible explanation, a bug detector is a radio receiver. Every surveillance device basically emits electromagnetic signals. Now, whoever has placed the surveillance device also has a receiver, one that converts those signals to data or audio. The bug detector doesn’t do this, but instead lights up, and may also sound an alarm to let you know there’s such a device nearby.

What do the various frequencies mean?

Whenever you’re shopping for a bug detector, you’ll find an advertised frequency range. As you can see in this chart here, there are a few frequencies that are used for bugs and wiretaps that are commonly sold.

For example, you have audio devices that work from 300 Hz to 15 kHz, base band audio. Ultrasonic audio works from 10 kHz to 150 kHz. Video cameras and tape recorders transmit between 20 kHz and 350 kHz. Then, you also have combined devices. For example, free space – UHF, which transmits 25% video, 60% voice and 15% data, from 300 MHz to 900 MHz.

Ultraviolet and infrared devices shouldn’t be forgotten here. Modulated UV light bugs transmit from 150 to 450 nm, and modulated visible light bugs transmit from 350 to 700 nm, where the most common range is from 450 to 675 nm. Audio transmitters or lasers go from 700 to 1100 nm, and laser microphones, which are very rare, from 800 to 1510 nm. In this category, we also have night vision illuminators (750 to 900 nm) and IR bugs and IR illuminators (850 to 1750 nm).

Last but not least, since they aren’t very common, there are optical bugs that are inside light fixtures. Modulated tungsten bulbs are at 450 nm, modulated sodium bugs are at 490 nm and modulated fluorescent bugs are at 575 nm.

Depending on what kind of bugs you’re looking for, you’ll want to get a bug detector that works at those specific frequencies. This makes sure that you actually find the device, provided there is one.

So, how do you use a bug detector?

The first thing you’ll want to do before you even grab your bug detector is to do a quick visual check. Even if there is a surveillance device somewhere in your room, it might be turned off. If that’s the case, a bug detector won’t find anything and you’ll just be wasting your time. If you don’t find anything during your visual inspection, it’s time to move on to the next step.

The next step still doesn’t include the bug detector itself. Remember that it scans for items that are emitting wireless frequencies. Those items also include things such as your laptop or smartphone, as well as the wireless internet router in the room, the TV set, or even that expensive connected fridge that someone thought is a good idea. Those are all things that may show up as bugs for the detector, so make sure they’re all switched off.

Now comes what you’ve been waiting for. Grab the bug detector, and switch it on. Bugs and devices that are sold commercially often work at frequencies between 10 MHz and 8 GHz, which is what most bug detectors should cover, so you should be able to find just about any device.

When you’re scanning your room, you’ll want to be thorough. Check every corner of it. Check lockers and other storage spaces. You should also check for items that look like common household objects. Hidden cameras often look like things you see just about every day, such as an alarm clock or a wall charger. Make sure you check those as well. If you’re worried that the bug is somewhere on you, instead of the room, you can also check your clothes and bags. If there’s an active GPS tracker or audio transmitter, the bug detector will find it.

How will you know that the bug detector actually found something? Most detectors tell you in two ways. The first one is an audible alert that gets louder as you get closer to the device that’s emitting. The second one is a set of lights. The closer you get to the bug, the more lights will light up, and you’ll know something is there.

Wrapping things up

As you can see, using a bug detector is actually fairly simple. The science behind how it works is a bit more complex, but that’s not something you should worry about. If you ever need to use one, just remember – turn off any devices that might get in the way, and make sure you are as thorough as possible when checking.

Everything You Need to Know When Shopping for the Best RF Detector Buyers Guide and Reviews

Technology has become incredibly sophisticated.

Years ago, having a computer with access to the internet in your home was considered a luxury. These days, hardly anyone leaves home without the computing powerhouse known as the smartphone in their pocket.

These many technological advancements have allowed us to connect faster with one another. Unfortunately, those advancements have also made it possible for nefarious individuals to intrude upon private lives without their victims even knowing anything is wrong.

To ensure that your private life remains that way, you need the right tools to protect yourself. Among the tools you will need is the device known as an RF detector.

In this article, we will learn more about the purpose of the RF detector and how one variant of this device can differ from another. We will also look at some of the top RF detectors that are currently on the market to see if they can work well for you.

What Is an RF Detector?

Before we go any further, let’s first discuss what an RF detector actually is.

An RF detector is a bug detector. We’re not talking about those bugs that crawl around on many legs though. Instead, we’re talking about the bugs that can be used to spy on you.

Bad actors may use a variety of electronic bugs, implant them in your home, your office, or even your car and immediately become aware of your activities.

A good RF detector will be able to sniff those bugs out by honing in on the radio frequency signals that they may be producing. An individual interested in spying on you may be able to expertly hide their bugs, but they won’t be able to conceal the signals they produce.

If the electronic bug in question is active, your RF detector will be able to tell you how close you are to it. By focusing on the signal and seeing when it strengthens, you should be able to find the bug’s precise location and eventually remove it.

What Bugs Can the RF Detector Spot?

There are six types of bugs that you will be able to find using an RF detector.

The first type of bug that you may find is known as the standard RF transmitter bug. You don’t need to spend too much time trying to locate standard RF transmitter bugs because they continually produce RF signals.

Burst bugs are significantly harder to detect. Unlike the standard bugs, the burst variants will only transmit signals for short periods of time.

GSM bugs are similarly difficult to detect because they remain quiet for extended periods of time. On top of that, their signals can also match up with the ones emitted by mobile phones. You will need high quality RF detectors to find GSM bugs.

The self-recording bugs are nearly impossible to detect unless you are lucky enough to find exactly where one has been implanted. The saving grace for you is that the person who uses the self-recording bug will have to physically retrieve and replace this bug. They are not easy to use.

Some individuals may decide to use Wi-Fi bugs. The Wi-Fi bugs are also hard to spot using an RF detector, but you can sniff these out if you regularly check the people who are using your Wi-Fi.

Lastly, hidden camera bugs may also be placed inside your home, office, or car. To find these, you will need both a good RF detector as well as a lens detector.

The Factors to Consider When Shopping for an RF Detector

Now that we know more about the RF detector and which bugs it can detect, let’s discuss the factors that can differentiate them from one another.

Frequency Range

Different bugs produce different frequencies.

RFID tags can be used as tracking devices and they produce three to 30 megahertz (MHz) of frequency.

Rf Detector Frys App

A step up from the RFID devices are the mobile communication devices. They are known to produce 30 to 300 MHz. Bluetooth devices, GPS devices, microwave appliances, mobile phones, Wi-Fi routers, and 2-way radios emit 300 MHz to three gigahertz (GHz) of frequency.

On the high end of the spectrum are GPS devices, more sophisticated Wi-Fi routers, and cordless phones. Cable and satellite TV broadcasting also produce high radio frequency. To be more specific, the aforementioned devices produce three to 30 GHz of frequency.

It would be best if you can find an RF detector that can sense frequencies that go to as high as 30 GHz, but that’s only necessary if you suspect that there are professionals attempting to track you.

In the absence of RF detectors that can go that high, you can settle for the devices that can sense frequencies from one MHz up to six GHz. Those detectors will be able to provide reliable performance and you should be able to get countless hours of great work from them.

Camera Detection Range

Because the RF detectors being offered today are more sophisticated devices, you can also rely on them to find any hidden cameras that may be nearby. To make sure that you get a detector that can capably locate hidden cameras, you need one with decent range.

For finding hidden cameras, you will want an RF detector that can spot them even if they are 32 feet away.


As you can imagine, these RF detectors will pick up all kinds of signals. If you take the time to check out every signal you detect, you will have to spend countless hours just tracking them down. Needless to say, that is an inefficient way to safeguard your privacy.

To get around that issue, you will need to find an RF detector equipped with quality filters.

If the RF detector you’re using is poorly made or just features bad components, it will likely pick up on all kinds of ambient signals. You may end up going on a wild goose chase to track down an ambient signal when there’s another more malicious one that slipped under your nose.

By ensuring that your RF detector has good filters included, you can save yourself plenty of potentially wasted hours.

Detection Modes

In certain situations, you don’t always want the people around you knowing that you are looking for electronic bugs. If you’re around your family, the last thing you want them to discover is that you suspect someone may be spying on all of you.

Thankfully, some RF detectors feature different modes that will enable you to discreetly search a specific area for electronic bugs.

Some detection mode will make use of lasers, vibrations, and beeps. Obviously, you can also refer to the LED display to check if something suspicious has found.

Also, some RF detectors feature something known as a protection mode. In protection mode, you can put on some headphones, listen to signals, and detect if certain transmissions are safe or unsafe. The signals you mark as safe will be remembered and they will not be brought to your attention moving forward.

Comparison Table

Rf detector from brickhouse security
Product NameDimensions (In Inches)Receive Frequency RangeMaximum Camera Detection Range (In Feet)Battery Used
JONYJ RF Bug Detector6.5 x 4.5 x 1.31 MHz to 6.5 GHz32.81450 mAh Lithium Polymer Battery
Dooreemee Anti-Spy RF Signal Detector2 x 0.8 x 3.31 MHz to 8 GHz49.21500 mAh Lithium Polymer Battery
Eilimy Anti-Spy RF Signal Detector6.6 x 3.7 x 2.31 MHz to 8 GHz49.21500 mAh Lithium Ion Battery
Crosfen RF Detector5.2 x 4.1 x 11 MHz to 6.5 GHz32.81500 mA Lithium Battery
PANNOVO Anti-Spy RF Signal Detector6.2 x 4.5 x 1.31 MHz to 6.5 GHz32.81280 mAh Lithium Polymer Battery

The Reviews

With our knowledge of RF detectors suitably improved, let’s move ahead to the reviews of the top options currently available.

JONYJ RF Bug Detector

I mentioned earlier that it’s important to have an RF detector capable of working in more than just one way. To ease the minds of your family or co-workers, you need to be able to search for electronic bugs without them suspecting a thing. The RF Bug Detector from JONYJ will help you accomplish that.

This bug detector features five different detection modes. It can make use of beeps, lasers, vibrations, and just show the data on the display. The additional detection mode is one you can try after you put some earphones on.

It features decent range for an RF detector. This JONYJ product certainly clears the bar of being able to detect frequencies in the six GHz range. As for its camera detection, being able to locate devices that are within 33 feet of you is not bad at all.

I also appreciate the fact that the manufacturers have included the earphones together with the RF detector. Thanks to that, you can begin scouting the surrounding area as soon as you receive this item.

There are two issues that are worth bringing up though.

First, this RF detector makes use of some pretty light lithium polymer batteries. Because they aren’t rechargeable, you will have to purchase replacements often if you decide to use this device a lot.

My other complaint is that the lights flash whenever you’re trying to detect cameras. It will be almost impossible to search for hidden cameras discreetly if you’re using this RF detector.


  • Comes with five different frequency detection modes
  • Earphones are included
  • Has a good amount of features despite being a less expensive RF detector


  • Small battery capacity
  • Flashing lights make it difficult to detect hidden cameras discreetly

Dooreemee Anti-Spy RF Signal Detector

We’re moving from one of the more affordable RF detectors to one that you’ll have to fork over serious money for in Anti-Spy RF Signal Detector from Dooreemee.

So, is it worth paying a premium for this particular RF detector? That depends on how willing you are to pay for high-end features.

What I like the most about this item is its portability. It is compact and very easy to hide.

If you want to keep it hidden in a handbag or maybe even a fanny pack, you can easily do so. This is the kind of RF detector you can take with you if you find yourself on the road a lot.

In addition to that, this portable RF detector also has terrific range.

You can use this RF detector to seek out frequencies that skyrocket into the eight GHz range. When it comes to cameras, this handy device can spot them even if they are about 50 feet away.

This RF detector also comes with a decent-sized battery. You can count on it to remain functional for quite some time.

One thing I did notice while using this RF detector is that it tends to pick up on harmless Wi-Fi signals way too often. You may get alerted to this unknown Wi-Fi signal only to find out that it’s nothing to worry about.

Rf detector frys wireless

For the price tag attached to this RF detector, it’s fair to expect better.


  • Super portable RF detector
  • Features great detection ranges
  • Makes use of a high-capacity battery


  • Struggles with Wi-Fi signals
  • Significantly more expensive than numerous other detectors

Eilimy Anti-Spy RF Signal Detector

If you’re open to splurging on to acquire a high quality RF detector, the Anti-Spy RF Signal Detector from Eilimy may be exactly what you are looking for.

In terms of range, this Eilimy product is pretty similar to the item listed above. It can continue to spot hidden cameras nearly 50 feet away from you and it remains capable of detecting devices emitting frequencies in the eight GHz range.

Performance-wise, you won’t have much to complain about, although it does also suffer from some minor issues related to Wi-Fi signals. Compared to the Dooreemee product though, those issues are not quite as pronounced.

The battery that powers this RF detector is also quite similar to what the Dooreemee creation features. After charging for about half a day or so, the battery should be good to go again.

The manufacturers have also included some useful accessories. Everything you need to start tracking down electronic bugs is bundled together with this RF detector.

Honestly, the only reason to hold back on purchasing this item is the price. If you’re fine with spending a bit more for some premium equipment, this RF detector should be right up your alley.


  • Great ranges for an RF detector
  • Comes bundled together with useful accessories
  • High-capacity battery is ready to go after a relatively quick charge


  • Could be the most expensive RF detector you’ll encounter

Crosfen RF Detector

We’re done with the high-priced RF detectors. Next up is the significantly more affordable RF Detector from Crosfen.

This is yet another RF detector that you can easily bring along if you are going to stay at a hotel. Its portable form makes it easy to tuck into any small bag you have on hand. You can take it wherever you decide to go.

The additional detection modes are back, so feel free to snoop around when you want to without fearing that your family members will suspect that something is wrong.

I’m also quite fond of the simple approach to design that the manufacturers used in creating this RF detector. Everything you need is easily accessible. Once you get used to where all the buttons are placed, you can use this RF detector without even needing to look down.

Unfortunately, battery life is an issue with this RF detector. It runs out in a hurry. The good news is that it’s rechargeable, but you’ll still be left wishing that this device had a better battery.


  • Good detection ranges for an RF detector
  • Offers different detection modes
  • Cost-effective RF detector


  • Battery tends to drain quickly

PANNOVO Anti-Spy RF Signal Detector

Last up is the Anti-Spy RF Signal Detector from PANNOVO – another budget option that offers solid performance.

Rf Detector For Sale

By now, you should know what to expect in terms of ranges from the budget RF detectors. They can sense any bug that is emitting a frequency no higher than 6.5 GHz and this detector can also find cameras that are located within 33 feet of you.

Rf Detector From Brickhouse Security

Those are standard specs for a budget RF detector.

I do want to point out that you can adjust the sensitivity for this RF detector. If you find that it is picking up on way too many signals, you can tweak the sensitivity and save yourself from potentially wasting valuable time.

Sadly, battery capacity is an even bigger issue with this bug detector. You will likely have to constantly charge this RF detector whenever you aren’t using it. It’s such a shame that the manufacturers were unable to include a better battery.


  • Sensitivity can be adjusted based on your preferences
  • Ranges are where you expect them to be
  • Easily affordable RF detector


  • Battery has a very low capacity and will have to be charged often


Having your privacy intruded upon by unknown individuals is a nightmarish scenario that no one deserves to go through. To prevent that from happening, you can arm yourself with an RF detector.

As you can see, there are various options available at different price points. No matter what your preferences are, you should be able to find an RF detector that can keep you and your family safe.